This booklet features a variety of creative methods to allow students to practise exam questions without just working through endless papers. Most of the ideas are not my own, but I hope you appreciate having everything collated in one place. Based on a booklet by Ruth Digby, thank you.
Lots of ideas for transition day and open evening.

Lots of the resources found here have elements of lessons that require students to pick option A, B, C or D, or to demonstrate their understanding using red, amber or green.
Please see the image for how to make them. I laminated mine so they last longer (9 years so far and I use them in most lessons!)

The plenary triangle is probably my favourite plenary tool for getting students to reflect on what they have learnt during the lesson. Usually, the bottom three boxes contain knowledge students had before the lesson and have used during the lesson. The next two contain two things the students have learnt during the lesson, series of lesson or the whole topic. I vary what I use the top box for - sometimes students are required to write an exemplar exam question, ask me a question about the topic or explain what there next steps are going to be.
Try using these homework loyalty cards to increase uptake. I've found them to work pretty well with KS3 classes. Up to you whether you get a bingo dabber or just sign and date each box.

I often get asked how to change learning objectives and other information on PixiMaths PowerPoints. Watch this quick tutorial video to learn how!