Obviously in the perfect world, there would be no need for intervention, but I have put this pack together in case you need it.
Each of the resources below corresponds to each of the 18 units in the Schemes of Learning. Each unit is split into two packs - roughly foundation and higher. For each pack, there is a pre-intervention test, a work book, and a post-intervention test.
Both tests have the same questions with different numbers, allowing for like-for-like comparison and to aid tracking of intervention impact. The tests will need printing as a booklet. If your printer does not offer this function, set it print 2-to-a-page, double sided, and print pages 4, 1, 2, 3.
One of PixiMaths' most brilliant supports, Mark Greenaway (SuffolkMaths), has been doing awesome things again - thank you so much for writing and sharing solutions for the intervention packs!