Functional Maths
The resources on this page will hopefully help you teach your students about the real life applications of maths. I'm hoping to keep adding to this page as I create new material.
Coming soon: design a new bedroom!
The Life Game is a mathematical version, I suppose, of Game of Life. There's no board to use, it's mostly done on a PowerPoint with a few cards that you'll need to print. I've laminated mine, but obviously that's optional as it's very time consuming! My year 9s loved this - although we did deviate a lot from the PowerPoint as they had so many great questions. I hope you enjoy using it too.

There are lots of other great resources available around the internet already. Have a look at some of these...
This tuck shop idea by @ilovemathsgames is great for practising use of money. It's even differentiated!
This party planning activity by TES member Labrown20 also gives students the opportunity to practise their presentation skills.
TES user DHoskin has created several functional activities that can be found here.